Activate your
universal light

Activate your universal light noW!

Awaken your universal light body, become your higher path of light & upgrade your reality for the new world.

Are you ready to quantum leap into        the new dimension of Earth?


Do you know that you are here as a         seed, a code, and a lineage of light?


Are you feeling the push to step into       a new reality but don’t know how to       make the leap?

If this is true for you, congratulations! You are transcending the old matrix and the new world of universal light and a new way of being is calling to you.

Are you ready to quantum leap into the new dimension of Earth?

Do you know that you are here as a seed, a code, and a lineage of light?

Are you feeling the push to step into a new reality but don’t know how to make the leap?

If this is true for you, congratulations! You are transcending the old matrix and the new world of universal light and a new way of being is calling to you.

I want to help you awaken to your reality with ease, grace, power and thriving abundance. Here’s how:

I’ve created for you a special free gift that

you can receive below. It is called

Activate Your Universal Light now!

I want to help you awaken to your reality with ease, grace, power and thriving abundance.

Here’s how:

I’ve created for you a special free gift that you can receive below. It is called Activate Your Universal Light now!

Here’s what you’ll be getting when you receive this free activation:

  • A video activation where I transmit to you the universal light codes of the new dimension on Earth.

This new dimension is a new hologram (reality!) that is descending into our Earth for those called to become their higher light embodied. Yep, that’s you Light Being manifested on Earth as a human!


  • The energetic support to make the transition from the old frequency on Earth to the new frequency in one short activation (which you are welcome to repeat as many times as you want!).

Here’s what you’ll be getting when you receive this free activation:

  • A video activation where I transmit to you the universal light codes of the new dimension on Earth.

This new dimension is a new hologram (reality!) that is descending into our Earth for those called to become their higher light embodied. Yep, that’s you Light Being manifested on Earth as a human!


  • The energetic support to make the transition from the old frequency on Earth to the new frequency in one short activation (which you are welcome to repeat as many times as you want!).

The freQuency on earth is shifting fasT

Every day, new light, plasma, frequencies and codes are pouring in. If you aren’t connecting into the new frequency, this can be REALLY tough to manage. It’s ungrounding.

The freQuency on earth is shifting fasT

Every day, new light, plasma, frequencies and codes are pouring in. If you aren’t connecting into the new frequency, this can be REALLY tough to manage. It’s ungrounding.

When you receive the Awaken Your Universal Light activation you are receiving a coherent field of information to make it easy for you to integrate and embody the new frequency.

• Abundance! Through the activation you will upgrade your light saturation into your body and outer energy fields. You will also receive the special “Plasma Light Body” that transforms you into the living light of the divine.

The living light is rich in abundance.

It is also majorly untapped by most! As we are shifting into a new dimension on Earth, this untapped abundance becomes available to you when you are energetically in resonance with the new light flows.

When you receive the Awaken Your Universal Light activation you are receiving a coherent field of information to make it easy for you to integrate and embody the new frequency.

  • Abundance! Through the activation you will upgrade your light saturation into your body and outer energy fields. You will also receive the special “Plasma Light Body” that transforms you into the living light of the divine.

The living light is rich in abundance.

It is also majorly untapped by most! As we are shifting into a new dimension on Earth, this untapped abundance becomes available to you when you are energetically in resonance with the new light flows.

Ready to upgrade your reality to this abundance?

Sign up now for Activate Your Universal Light!

“I’ve created multiple 6-figures using her activations, soul-based coaching & even had my first $100K CASH month after her Soul Rising! Retreat in Culebra.”


Corrina being able to see my codes and guide me from there and doing the activations has been massively powerful for me!


About Corrina

Corrina Steward is a Global Leader, Light Awakener and Transformational Queen for the planetary shift emerging in these times.

She is a phenomena of light that graces this world with the light codes and cosmic waves of the new world emerging through God’s frequencies.

Since she awakened in 2007, she has been receiving the new matrix of light for our human family. After nearly 11 years of re-uniting her soul and light bodies into the Earth plane (accelerated by a Near Death Experience), she built a 7-figure coaching business Soul Wealth Coaching, LLC, which she led from 2018 – 2024.

In 2024, she was called to align her mission with the incoming cosmic frequencies and the New World of Light that is awakening. Shifting her focus to Corrina Dawn Steward, LLC and emerging as a world leader bringing forward the light codes, wisdom, New Earth enterprises and evolutionary leadership of the new world.

In addition to her transformational light work, Corrina is one of the founders of LumiVitae, a New Earth business transforming health and wealth for paradigm shifters around the world.

She lives in Puerto Rico with her husband and 2 children in their rainforest mountain home overlooking the Caribbean Sea.

About Corrina

Corrina Steward is a Global Leader, Light Awakener and Transformational Queen for the planetary shift emerging in these times.

She is a phenomena of light that graces this world with the light codes and cosmic waves of the new world emerging through God’s frequencies.

Since she awakened in 2007, she has been receiving the new matrix of light for our human family. After nearly 11 years of re-uniting her soul and light bodies into the Earth plane (accelerated by a Near Death Experience), she built a 7-figure coaching business Soul Wealth Coaching, LLC, which she led from 2018 – 2024.

In 2024, she was called to align her mission with the incoming cosmic frequencies and the New World of Light that is awakening. Shifting her focus to Corrina Dawn Steward, LLC and emerging as a world leader bringing forward the light codes, wisdom, New Earth enterprises and evolutionary leadership of the new world.

In addition to her transformational light work, Corrina is one of the founders of LumiVitae, a New Earth business transforming health and wealth for paradigm shifters around the world.

She lives in Puerto Rico with her husband and 2 children in their rainforest mountain home overlooking the Caribbean Sea.